2019 - 2020 (International Christian School)

My 2nd year at ICS proved to be the strangest year of my teaching career so far. Though it started out pretty standard, things began to change drastically in November when protests in Hong Kong forced us to miss out on a week of school. The strange nature of the school year only escalated at the end of January when Covid-19 hit, forcing us to begin online learning. This period of online learning continue until May 20th when we were finally able to resume classes for the remaining 3.5 weeks of school. Unfortunately my students only came for half days which meant I was only able to see my students once every 6 days upon return, but it was still amazing to be able to finish out the year in person and have some semblance of closure.

Despite the year being a complete roller coaster it still managed to be a phenomenal year. Though it wasn't ideal, online learning provided me an opportunity to grow significantly in my understanding of movie editing and learned how to use various technological platforms which really helped me engage my students and stay connected while not being able to meet in person. I also had a truly incredible start to the year and was able to build upon many of the foundations that I set in our ESPE program from the previous year.

As with last year unfortunately I'm not able to post many of the picture or video highlights from this school year due to confidentiality reasons, but here are a few of the highlights I am able to post:
Some other teaching highlights from this year included: Helping coach the U20 Girls Volleyball team in Taiwan at the ACSC tournament, coaching the U12 Boys Basketball team, coaching the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club, all of the AMAZING videos that students sent me of their PE work during online learning (especially the dance routines), and learning how to efficiently use Flipgrid, Seesaw, iMovie, and Final Cut Pro. Lastly, I made a deal with another teacher and ended up growing out my hair for the entire school year. Though initially it was meant to simply be a fun thing between two colleagues it ended up being a huge hit and the students loved teasing me about my curly "mushroom head".


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