Parkour Routines - Spring 2019

Person Jumping on Beige Concrete Wall 

In November of 2018 I was very fortunate to be able to attend a 2 day Parkour Training course led by Parkour Generations. Over these 2 days we learned tons of information about the history behind Parkour, philosophy, how to teach it in schools, how to teach with limited equipment, how to address liability concerns, and much much more. Not only did this course give me lots of ideas for how I wanted to run a Parkour unit, but it also sparked a passion within me to start learning and practicing Parkour.

This year all of my 5th grade classes were centered around the Sport Ed model and it was very easy to teach Parkour from this approach. Over the unit students were broken into teams and all had assigned roles that they had to fulfill every day. The unit was also largely self taught as QR codes with tutorial videos were placed all around the gym and teams worked on 1 movement concept each day. Finally, at the end of the unit each team had to create and film a Parkour routine using the skills they had been learning over the past few weeks. They were allowed one class period to film as many times as they wanted and then I would assess the video that they chose to submit. Though there was obviously lots of variation between skill levels it was really neat to see each student progress and find success regardless of ability level.

Below is a link to the template, skills, lessons, and rubrics that I created for my unit as well as a montage of some of their finished projects and an example video of a potential routine.

5th Grade Finished Routines Montage

Parkour Routine Example


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